On the presence of Cissites maculata (Coleoptera: Meloidae) in Mexico
Nemognathinae, Mexico, South America, sympatry, COIAbstract
The presumed sympatry and validity of morphological diagnostic characters used to separate the only2 described species of Cissites (Coleoptera: Meloidae), C. maculata (Swederus) and C. auriculata Champion, areassessed. Morphological diagnostic features between both species (head shape, antennae length, thorax shape, firstmetatarsal segment length, and elytral coloration) are constant over their entire geographic distribution, without theexistence of intermediate morphs. Regional sympatry between these species was found in central Mexico, confirmingthe presence of C. maculata in Central America and Mexico, whereas C. auriculata, widely distributed in CentralAmerica, has not colonized South America. Sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase were obtainedfrom single Mexican specimens of each species. Divergence between the sequences is considerably high (14.5%),suggesting separation of both species as a result of an ancient cladogenetic event.