Floristic composition, structure and species conservation status of Mauritia flexuosa palm swamps in Andean-Amazonian piedmont in the Department of San Martín, Peru




Floristic composition, Habitat fragmentation, Hyperdominant species, Mauritia flexuosa, Piedmont


We investigated the floristic composition, structure and conservation status of plant species in Mauritia flexuosa palm swamps of the Peruvian Amazonia. The study was carried out in 4 sites at the localities of Tingana and Posic. In each site, 25 plots of 20 × 20 m were established and all individuals ≥ 1 cm diameter at breast height were recorded. In total, 5,795 individuals and 112 species were registered. Rubiaceae was the family with the largest number of species and Arecaceae with the largest number of individuals. The most ecologically important species was M. flexuosa in all 4 sites. Abundance was significantly different among sites but not the richness, which was generally low due to the presence of hyperdominant species. Canopy and understory species showed differences in richness and abundance among 4 sites. Mantel test showed relationship between floristic similarity and geographic distances. Nonmetric
multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities revealed 3 floristic groups. Our sites comprise 8 endemic species, 13 protected species (IUCN), and 2 CITES species. These swamps should be conserved or sustainably managed to avoid being affected by the increasing land-use change and the selective extraction of species in the region.


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