Odonata from a tropical deciduous forest: sierra de San Javier, Sonora, Mexico
Odonata, diversity, San Javier, SonoraAbstract
A faunistic survey of the Odonata from San Javier, Sonora, was undertaken during 7 months between November 2003 and October 2004. A total of 1012 specimens were collected belonging to 7 families, 27 genera, and 52 species. The family Libellulidae was the most diverse with 23 species, followed by Coenagrionidae (16), Gomphidae (5) and Aeshnidae (4). The least diverse families were Lestidae (2), Calopterygidae (1) and Coenagrionidae (1). The genus Argia was the dominant one with 10 species followed by Enallagma with 4. This diversity of this small area is outstanding, with 42.6% of all the species recorded for the state of Sonora.