First record of the edibility of Calostoma cinnabarina Desv. (Sclerodermatales)
Calostoma cinnabarina, edible mushroom, Sierra Otomi-Tepehua, Hidalgo stateAbstract
In our country, Calostoma cinnabarina Desv., has been taxonomical studied; but the studies of this species that refer its use by human groups, are scarse. This latter type of studies have documented only the medicinal use, but not the edible feature. The present study records C. cinnabarina as an edible species in Hidalgo state, Mexico. The study was carried out in Agua Zarca, community of Tenango de Doria, where estructured and unstructured interviews to habitants of the area were applied, being mostly half-breed, descended from hñähñu (otomi) ethnic group. Therefore, sporomes were collected in Pinus-Abies spp., forest. The specimens were identified by inhabitants, who named them "yemitas". Apparently this knowledge has been lost in recent years, because few people mention about the species and it is not consumed lately. In the past, C. cinnabarina was consumed for local children like a tidbit. The relevance and use of this mushroom is discussed.