Benthic marine macroalgae from insular environments in the biotic transition zone of the Mexican Atlantic
Reefs, Phycoflora, New records, Yucatán PeninsulaAbstract
The island environments of the biotic transition zone of the Mexican Atlantic are among the most diverse in
terms of macroalgae, this, despite the fact that there is only floristic information for 2 of the 80 island environments reported for the area. In this work, the taxonomic diversity of 3 island environments in the area are presented for the first time. Various collections of benthic marine macroalgae were carried out in the Bajos de Diez, Madagascar y Serpientes. The collected specimens were morphologically identified to obtain the floristic composition for each reef, as well as its specific richness. The similarity between the flora of the 3 reefs was calculated using UPGMA clustering analysis based on the Jaccard index. A checklist of 119 benthic marine macroalgae is presented for the 3 reefs studied, 9 of them are new records for Yucatán. The reef with the highest taxonomic diversity was Bajos de Diez (78 spp.), followed by Madagascar (53 spp.) and Serpientes (24 spp.). Bajos de Diez and Serpientes presented the greatest floristic similarity between them. Future explorations of unknow island environments will surely lead to increased floristic diversity in the area.
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