Population monitoring and conservation status of the Pehuenche frog, Alsodes pehuenche, in the Pehuenche Valley, Mendoza, Argentina.


  • Gabriela Diaz Universidad Nacional de Cuyo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6821-3473
  • Vanesa Pellegrini-Piccini Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Liliana Moreno Universidad Nacional de San Luis
  • Martín Palma Instituto de Educación Física
  • Vanesa Bentancourt Instituto de Educación Física
  • Valeria Corbalán Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de Zonas Áridas (IADIZA-CCT Mendoza-CONICET)




Threatened species, Visual encounter, Connectivity, Subpopulations, Conservation prioritization


The Pehuenche spiny-chest frog, Alsodes pehuenche, is endemic to the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile.
It has been categorized as critically endangered by the IUCN and its threats include the international road that
crosses the streams, the presence of the chytrid fungus, invasive exotic salmonids, livestock, and climate change.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the current conservation status of A. pehuenche in the Pehuenche Valley as a basis for understanding population trends, the impact of threats, and future management actions. Fourteen field trips were conducted during 3 seasons (2021-2023) and 12 streams were sampled using the nocturnal visual encounter technique. Seven subpopulations were delimited and named: Nacientes, del Límite, Pichintur, Rial Rojas, Nueva, Campanaria, and Cajón Largo. The results show counts of adults (5.82 in 200 m2 and 13.64 per hour) and larvae (6.24 in 200 m2 and 17.76 per hour). These did not vary significantly between seasons but were higher in January and February. According to connectivity and threats, the conservation status indices allow us to prioritize the subpopulations as conservation units, with del Límite being the one that requires the most urgent efforts.


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