A new species of Triumfetta (Malvaceae: Grewioideae) from central Guerrero, México





Androgynophorus, Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Endemic, Flora of Guerrero, Gynodioecious, Tiliaceae


The Grewioideae subfamily (Malvaceae) in Mexico is represented by 6 genera: Apeiba, Corchorus, Heliocarpus,
Luehea, Trichospermum, and Triumfetta; the latter, is one of the most diverse in this subfamily in the American tropics
(ca. 50 species). In Mexico Triumfetta comprises 35 species, of which 18 have been registered for Guerrero. Within the collected material of the subfamily Grewioideae, especially, that collected by the late Hubert Kruse, specimens with characteristics other than the species already known for the genus Triumfetta in Mexico were found. Triumfetta nellydiegoae is described, illustrated and compared with closest taxon in Guerrero.


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