The genus Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae) in Mexico: diversity, distribution and taxonomic treatment.




Plateau, Anthocarp, Tropical deciduous forest, Pacific coast, Endemic species, Xerophytic scrubland, Perianth


Among the Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis is characterized by having cymose inflorescences and involucres of 5 connate bracts and acrescent in fruit, underlying 1-3 flowers. With 55-57 species, it is one of the most diverse genera in the family. The aim of this work is to analyze the diversity of Mirabilis in Mexico, presenting the taxonomic treatment of the species, an identification key, habitat and phenology data, and their distribution maps. Synonymy is presented and a lectotype for Mirabilis aggregata, M. sanguínea, and M. urbani are designed. According to the studied specimens and data analyzed, Mexico is the country with the greatest diversity of the genus with 31 species, of which 14 are endemic. Mirabilis glabrifolia, M. jalapa, and M. viscosa have the largest distribution, while M. calophlebia, M.  hintoniorum, M. nesomii, and M. urbani are the most restricted. Most species are found in xerophytic scrubland and tropical deciduous forest; at biogeographic provinces level, these are mainly found either the North Plateau (Chihuahuense), South unpland and Pacific Coast. M. melanotrichia is the species found at the highest altitude.

Author Biography

Patricia Hernández-Ledesma, Instituto de Ecología A.C.

Centro Regional del Bajío


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