Herpetological diversity in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico: species list with new distribution notes


  • José António L. Barão-Nóbrega Operation Wallacea https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4814-2871
  • Pedro E. Nahuat-Cervera Operation Wallacea
  • Ignazio Avella Operation Wallacea
  • Griffin Capehart Operation Wallacea
  • Beau Garcia Operation Wallacea
  • Joseph Oakley Operation Wallacea
  • Alexandros Theodorou Operation Wallacea
  • Kathy Y. Slater Operation Wallacea




Amphibians, Campeche, Herpetofauna, Selva Maya, Reptiles, Species inventory, Yucatán Peninsula


The herpetofauna occurring in the Selva Maya is one of the richest assemblages in the Americas. We herein provide an updated list of herpetofauna species for the Calakmul region, located in the southern Yucatán Peninsula, Campeche, Mexico. This species list was compiled considering the results of herpetological surveys conducted between 2015-2019 in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, information gathered from previous literature, and sighting records from the website iNaturalist. All this information combined resulted in the identification of 109 species, 23 amphibians and 86 reptiles, belonging to 34 families. Furthermore, we hereby present new distribution records for 7 snakes, 2 lizards and 2 frogs not previously observed in the study region. Approximately 38% (n = 41) of the herpetofauna species are listed under a threat category by the environmental Mexican legislation (NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010). The list presented in this study increases to 109 the number of species known to occur in the Calakmul region, and to 135 in Campeche, which therefore becomes the Mexican state of the Yucatán Peninsula with the highest herpetofauna diversity, followed by Quintana Roo with 133 species.

Author Biographies

José António L. Barão-Nóbrega, Operation Wallacea

University of Salford, School of Science, Engineering and Environment, Salford M5 4WT, UK

Pedro E. Nahuat-Cervera, Operation Wallacea

Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán


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