Morphology and chaetotaxy of Neotropical Haliplus larvae (Coleoptera: Haliplidae)
Crawling water beetles, Haliplus indistinctus, H. subseriatus, Larva, SensillaAbstract
Larvae of 2 Neotropical species of Haliplus Latreille, 1802 (H. indistinctus Zimmermann, 1928 and H. subseriatus Zimmermann, 1921) are described and illustrated including detailed morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, and legs. Except for the legs, this is the first treatment of larval primary chaetotaxy for the family Haliplidae. The larvae studied herein have 10 abdominal segments, with segment X forking into 2 caudal projections, 1 pretarsal claw, a clasping device on prothoracic legs, and numerous short tracheal gills on the body, characteristics typically found in haliplid larvae. Regarding primary chaetotaxy, they are characterized by the absence of several setae and pores which are commonly present among other families of Hydradephaga, namely seta FR6 on the frontoclypeus, seta PA16 on the parietal, setae AN2 and AN3 and pore ANg on the antenna, setae MX13 and MX14 on the maxilla, and seta CO6 on the coxa. Mandibular seta MN2 is also strongly developed as compared to other hydradephagans. The larvae of the 2 described species can be separated by comparing the distance from the base of segment X to the point at which it forks into caudal projections.
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