“Long time no see”: redescription of Orientatractis leiperi (Nematoda: Atractidae) parasite of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines: Podocnemididae) from Pará State, Brazil
Turtle parasites, Brazilian Amazon, Atractidae, Orientatractis leiperiAbstract
During a helminthological survey on freshwater turtles from the Brazilian Amazon, we collected fresh and well-preserved nematodes from the stomach of Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848, that resembled Orientatractis leiperi. The morphology and morphometry of specimens described herein fits those from the original description. We also observed important morphological characters not reported previously or not properly described, and those are reported here for the first time: the structure of the excretory pore (surrounded by radial cuticle striations), structure and position of deirids, phasmids, oral papillae and the presence of a dorsolateral pair of papilla in caudal region. The present work provides a detailed redescription for O. leiperi, 50 years after its original description, adding a new host and locality for this species.
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