Climate change impact on endangered cloud forest tree species in Mexico




.Ecological niche model, Diversity, Climatic change, Threatened species


Ecological niche models have seen intensive exploration as a tool in biodiversity conservation and evaluation of areas for designing protected natural areas systems, including projections of potential distributions under future conditions. Cloud forest is the most endangered ecosystem in Mexico, and yet ranks high in terms of diversity and endemism. This study focuses on 12 endangered and range-restricted tree species in Mexican cloud forests, exploring patterns of distribution and diversity under 2 future emissions scenarios (representative concentration pathways 4.5 and 8.5) as anticipated by 20 general circulation models. Our results indicate a likely strong reduction in species’ distributional areas and —consequently— species diversity manifested in different cloud forest patches across the country. The genus Quercus resulted the most sensitive to climate change. We identified cloud forest patches that are most vulnerable to climate change effects, which can and should focus priorities for protection of this ecosystem, particularly in the Sierra Madre Oriental, where cloud forest is presently lacking any protection.

Author Biography

Daniel Jiménez-García, Benemérita Universidad AUtónoma de Puebla

Profesor Investigador del Centro de Agroecología y Ambiente. Instituto de Ciencias de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


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