Brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) of coastal lagoons from the northern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico




Benthos, Brackish waters, New records, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea


We present the first records of ophiuroids found in 6 tropical coastal lagoons of the northern Yucatán Peninsula. Specimens were collected from Ría Celestún, Chelem, Dzilam, Ría Lagartos, Yalahau, and Nichupté-Bojórquez lagoons, during May and June 2010. Six species belonging to the families Amphiuridae, Ophionereididae, and Ophiodermatidae were recorded. Amphiodia pulchella was recorded in all lagoons; Ophiostigma isocanthum was recorded only in Yalahau, and Ophionereis olivacea and Ophioderma appressa were recorded only in Nichupté-Bojórquez. Amphiodia cf. planispina was recorded in all the coastal lagoons except in Yalahau; all the individualsof this species were juveniles. Finally, Ophiophragmus filograneus was recorded in Ría Celestún, Ría Lagartos, and Nichupté-Bojórquez, being a new record for the southern Gulf of Mexico. The range of distribution of these species is extended and their presence in brackish waters is recorded, an environment that has not been properly studied concerning ophiuroids.

Author Biographies

José Gabriel Kuk-Dzul, Facultad de Ecología Marina, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.

Catedras CONACYT, Facultad de Ecología Marina, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, desde 2017.

Francisco Alonso Solís-Marín, Colección Nacional de Equinodermos “Dra. Ma. E. Caso Muñoz”, Laboratorio de Sistemática y Ecología de Equinodermos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Investigador Titular “B” de Tiempo Completo, Laboratorio de Sistemática y Ecología de Equinodermos, UNAM.

María Teresa Herrera-Dorantes, Departamento de Recursos del Mar, Cinvestav.

Auxiliar de Investigqción Cinvestav, desde 2010.

Pedro-Luis Ardisson, Departamento de Recursos del Mar, Cinvestav, desde

Profesor Titular, Departamento de Recursos del Mar, Cinvestav, desde 1993.


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