Archipelago reserves, a new option to protect montane entomofauna and beta-diverse ecosystems
Beta diversity, Biodiversity conservation, Mountain forests, National Park, Biosphere Reserve, Dung beetles, ScarabaeoideaAbstract
Beta diversity is often a dominant characteristic in mountain systems and naturally fragmented ecosystems. However, natural protected areas are traditionally designed to protect ecosystems with high alpha and low beta diversity. Recent information about dung beetles of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt was used to identify the most suitable strategy for the conservation of insect biodiversity in montane and beta-diverse ecosystems. Mean alpha diversity by mountain represents 38% of regional diversity. Most of the variation in beta diversity is explained because each mountain represents a unique habitat hosting a highly differentiated community. National parks appear to be inefficient to protect the high beta diversity shown by Mexican temperate mountains, especially for insect communities adapted to fragile ecosystems. The Archipelago Reserve scheme seems to be a suitable alternative to protect montane entomofauna and beta-diverse ecosystems. Our study reveals beta diversity patterns and complementarity among sites in a montane system, representing a first step to detect a suitable region for establishing an Archipelago Reserve in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Nevertheless, an analysis that matches current diversity patterns and protected areas is required to establish the best configuration for future reserves.
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