New records of Ipomoea chiquitensis (Convolvulaceae) from the Brazilian northeast




First record, Brazilian flora, Caatinga, Endangered species


New records of Ipomoea chiquitensis J.R.I. Wood & R.W. Scotland were discovered for the states of Ceará, Piauí, and Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil. The species was recently described from the Chaco region in Bolivia, and is reported herein to occur in “Caatinga” vegetation. We present a brief description, distribution map, potential distribution modeling, illustration, photographs, and a comparison with related species.

Author Biographies

Francisco Diego Sousa-Santos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco -UFRPE

Department of Botany

Geadelande Delgado Carolino-Júnior, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Department of BotanyPlant taxonomy

Maria Teresa Buril-Aureliano, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Department of BotanyPlant taxonomy


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Figure 2. Ipomoea chiquitensis. (1) Slender stems; (2) Corolla; (3) Side view of fruit; (4) Calyx persistent in fruit (F.F. Araújo 24). Photos by F.F. Araújo, except 1 by F.D.S. Santos.






NOTAS CIENTÍFICAS (cancelada desde 2017)