New species of Haematoloechus (Digenea: Plagiorchioidea) parasite of Rana spp. of southwestern Mexico


  • Virginia León-Règagnon Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Helminths, Amphibians, Anura, Rana zweifeli, DNA barcodes


During an inventory of the helminths of amphibians in Mexico, specimens of an undescribed species of Haematoloechus were collected from the lungs of Rana zweifeli and Rana sp. in southwestern Mexico. The objective of this study is to describe this species. The new species differs from other known species of Haematoloechus by the combination of the following characters: spindle shaped body, oral sucker/acetabulum ratio 1:0.31, longitudinal extracecal uterine loops extending to the level of posterior testis, ovary irregular, lobed and testes elongate, lobed.

Author Biography

Virginia León-Règagnon, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Instituto de Biología, Estación de Biología Chamela


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