Sclerophylly in mangrove tree species from South Brazil


  • Carolina Sereneski Lima
  • Maria Regina Torres Boeger
  • Letícia Larcher-de Carvalho
  • Andressa Pelozo
  • Patricia Soffiatti


Palabras clave:

morfología foliar, concentración de nutrients, salinidad, índice de esclerofilia, área específica foliar


Sclerophylly, a morphological trait that defines coriaceous and hard leaves, is presently accepted as anon-specific response to environments with acting multiple stresses. In mangroves, features such as flooded andunconsolidated soil, low availability of oxygen, and high salinity characterize this stressful environment. From 2mangroves areas in the coast of Paraná state, leaves of 3 species (Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa andAvicennia schaueriana) were collected and analyzed nutritionally and morphologically. Sclerophylly indices (Rizziniindex and specific leaf area) indicated that all species are sclerophyllous. Considering nutritional and morphologicaltraits, only some of them suggest sclerophylly, such as total leaf thickness in all species, the presence of a subepidermallayer in Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia schaueriana and sclereids in Rhizophora mangle. Comparatively,leaves presented different degrees of sclerophylly, in the following order: R. mangle > L. racemosa > A. schaueriana,considering all characteristics analyzed. This gradient of sclerophylly appears to be consequence of different strategiesdeveloped by each species in response to the stressful abiotic conditions of mangroves, especially the mechanismsfor salinity tolerance.

Biografía del autor/a

Carolina Sereneski Lima

Programa de  Pós-graduaçao em Botânica

Maria Regina Torres Boeger

Depto de Botânica

Andressa Pelozo

Programa de Pós_Gradução em Botânica

Patricia Soffiatti

Professora Adjunta IVDepartamento de BotânicaSetor de Ciências Biológicas




