Distribution, abundance, and diversity of euphausiids and their relationships with hydrodynamic processes in Campeche Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
https://doi.org/10.22201/ib.20078706e.2022.93.3723Palabras clave:
Bay of Campeche, Chlorophyll-a, Fluorescence, Phytoplankton, Anticyclonic eddies, Cyclonic eddies, Thermocline, ZooplanktonResumen
We analyzed the abundance, diversity, and distribution of euphausiids and their relationship with hydrodynamic
processes from February 2011 to October 2012 in the Campeche Canyon in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Sampling
was conducted at 55 oceanographic stations and zooplankton were captured using horizontal trawls. Environmental
variables (temperature, salinity, and oxygen) and phytoplankton fluorescence were recorded at different depths.
Twenty-four species of euphausiids representing the genera Euphausia, Nematobrachion, Nematoscelis, Stylocheiron,
and Thysanopoda were identified. Stylocheiron carinatum was abundant in February and October, with the furcilia
stage always the dominant one. Differences were observed among the 4 zones identified based on the bathymetric
criteria; zone III (axis and head of the canyon) presented the highest diversity of euphausiids between 100 and 200 m
with 2.14 bits Ind-1 in February and 1.99 bits Ind-1 in October. The spatial-temporal distribution of euphausiids was
heterogeneous in water bodies with temperatures between 15 and 22 °C and low dissolved oxygen concentrations,
which were distributed outside the maximum concentrations of chlorophyll-a (2,127 mg m-3) and had an affinity for
the frontal regions between cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies.
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