Validation of two species’ names in the genus Moussonia (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae)
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Gloxiniinae, invalid name, Mexico, Mesoamerica, nomenclatureResumen
Validation of two species’ names in the genus Moussonia (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae)
In the revision of the neotropical genus Moussonia published as an e-book, two species’ names were not validly published following the rules in the International Code of Nomenclature (Shenzhen Code). Therefore, the nomenclatural modifications are presented here to validate the names. For M. pedunculata, a revived name, the lectotypification is amended, for M. pendula, a lectotype is selected from the syntypes.
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Skog, L. E. (1979). Family 175. Gesneriaceae, Moussonia. In R. E. Jr. Woodson, R.W. Schery et al. Flora of Panama, Part. IX. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 65, 947–951.
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