Review of the subprovinces and districts of the Páramo biogeographic province, northern South America



Palabras clave:

Andean region, Neotropical region, South American Transition Zone, Biogeographic regionalization


Some recent contributions to the biogeographic regionalization of the Páramo province are reviewed and compared. As a result, a consensus regionalization is proposed, recognizing 6 subprovinces and 11 districts: Páramos del Norte subprovince (Sierra Nevada district), Cordillera de Mérida Páramo subprovince (Venezuelan Páramo district), Páramos de la Cordillera Oriental subprovince (Páramos de Boyacá and Los Picachos districts), Cordillera Central-Occidental subprovince (Paramillo del Sinú, Santa Inés-Sonsón, Main Central Cordillera and Páramo de los Farallones de Cali districts), Northern Ecuador subprovince (Northern Ecuadorian Páramo district), and Central-Southern Ecuador subprovince (Central Ecuadorian Páramo and Southern Ecuadorian Páramo districts).

Biografía del autor/a

Juan J. Morrone, Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM

Profesor Tit. C TC def.


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