Temporal dynamics of detected transgenes in maize landraces in their center of origin
https://doi.org/10.22201/ib.20078706e.2019.90.2653Palabras clave:
Zea mays, Diversity, Priority Terrestrial Region, Real-time PCR, GMO detectionResumen
The first report of transgenic maize in its center of origin was published in 2001 in Oaxaca, Mexico. Subsequent reports were controversial: most of the maize samples analyzed during 2001–2004 were negative, and only few samples were positive for the presence of transgenic elements in different localities and years. No further reports have been published to date. The purpose of this paper is to publish records for the presence of transgenic maize in Priority Terrestrial Areas (PTR) of Oaxaca state, and to contribute for the understanding of the movement of transgenic maize through seed management practices. During 2008–2012, 74 municipalities and 134 localities, belonging to three PTRs were monitored. 1125 farmers were surveyed on practices associated with maize management, and 1206 maize samples were obtained and analyzed using molecular methods. Adventitious presence of transgenic sequences was detected in 1.8% of the samples. All positive samples came from municipalities belonging to the same PTR. Farmers' responses indicated that there is a high movement of seed among localities, but also seeds from other areas of the country are introduced. The data show episodes of occurrence and disappearance of the transgenes, indicating a highly dynamic spatio-temporal replacement over time.
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