Taxonomic identification keys on the web: tools for better knowledge of biodiversity
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AbaTax, Biodiversity informatics, Dynamic identification, FAMEX, Magnoliophyta, PolykeysResumen
Difficulty in correctly identifying species in biological collections is an important impediment in confronting the current biodiversity crisis. The development of tools to improve taxonomic knowledge would help reverse this deficiency. Here, we propose an informatics system for the creation and use of polykeys on the web as tools for the identification of taxa (species, genera, families, etc.). The design is based on 4 actions: the ease of use of the software (usability), polythetic identification, a theoretical model of dynamic identification, and the use of relational databases. A system that applies this design is presented and exemplified using the FAMEX polykey, a tool for identifying the families of flowering plants (Magnoliophyta) of Mexico. The AbaTax system ( allows the creation of polykeys that are published and made available to all web users. The system considers the use of responsive web design, which is adapted in real time so that the interface is properly displayed to the type of device from which it is accessed, be it a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone.
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