Biodiversity risk from land-cover change in terrestrial priority regions and protected natural areas in northeastern Mexico


  • Christian Javier Vázquez-Reyes Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria
  • Genaro Martínez-Gutiérrez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
  • Arturo Mora-Olivo Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Alfonso Correa-Sandoval Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria.
  • Jorge Víctor Horta-Vega Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria.
  • Julio César Arriaga-Flores Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria
  • Crystian Sadiel Venegas-Barrera Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria


Palabras clave:

Richness, Potential geographical distribution, Tamaulipas, Multivariate


Protected areas (PAs), priority terrestrial regions (PTRs) and priority terrestrial sites (PTSs) are strategies for conserving natural resources. However, loss of coverage on the peripheries can lead to isolation between these conservation areas. The present study analyzed the association of the change of coverage inside and outside 2 PAs, 5 PTRs and 128 PTSs in Tamaulipas with the richness and geographic distribution of 5 species groups (strict, semiaquatic and tolerant hydrophiles, as well as gastropods and pteridophytes in 3 periods (1986, 2002 and 2011). In addition, we identified areas with similar species composition and socioeconomic-environmental factors related to the change in coverage. The highest richness and geographic distribution of aquatic plants occurred outside the conservation areas, while the greatest richness of ferns and gastropods was present inside them. The greatest loss of coverage occurred outside the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve and the Sierra de Tamaulipas PA. The loss of native cover increased in the last 30 years and is greater outside the conservation areas, therefore is necessary to propose and implement strategies to reduce the isolation of these areas.

Biografía del autor/a

Christian Javier Vázquez-Reyes, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación

Alfonso Correa-Sandoval, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria.

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación

Jorge Víctor Horta-Vega, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria.

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación

Julio César Arriaga-Flores, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación

Crystian Sadiel Venegas-Barrera, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación


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